Hi Cindy,

Yuck...not the kind of X-Mas present you want to wake up to...

The best resource I know of...and one that several surgeons refer people 
to...is Laurie Bryce's website, http://www.lauriebryce.com/tplo/
It was done and maintained by a Berner owner, right in MA as a matter of fact 
and the information on it is extensive and very credible.  Laurie also 
maintains an active email list for people dealing with cruciate injury, HD, 
and ED.  I believe it's the orthodogs list on Yahoo.  To subscribe, send an 
email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Actually, you might want to drop Laurie a note through the website as 
well...you might be right around the corner from each other.  I'd expect 
both, especially the email list, would be helpful in considering your 
options...which may include trying a period of absolute rest before going the 
surgical route.

I also have friends in central MA who've completed TPLO surgery on both knees 
of their boy between 1 and 2 years of age.  I'm sure they'd be happy to share 
their experiences. 

Another thought...have you discussed this with your breeder yet?  Cruciate 
injury used to be considered a 'middle age, out of shape, weekend warrior' 
type of injury but I'm now hearing repeatedly about young bernese being 
affected.  Your breeder might have some valuable experience and guidance to 
offer...or just moral support.  And beyond that...I'd expect a responsible 
breeder would want the information for her breeding program. 

Hope this helps,
-Sherri Venditti

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