Well, we went to the vet on Christmas eve to get Tatty spayed, after a lot of soul searching (my partner wants to breed her, and I was not so sure, as her temperament is a bit hyper). My partner wanted to leave her intact until she was adult so we could make a decision about breeding based on her adult temperament (and x rays etc). Also we both wanted to show her, but she has a scar and a wierd sticky out bit on a non removed dewclaw bump, so she wouldn't win! Well I won on the health grounds - if we had her spayed before her first heat, the cancer risk plummeted. Well the vet wouldn't operate, it being Christmas eve (don't ask why they gave us an appointment for the op on that day then).
The very next day her bed smells really weird, there is clear discharge, she starts humping everything and everybody in sight, and she smells strange.
This is still going on (just under two weeks later). As new dog owners we are not quite sure if she is in heat..... but there you go. If she is (please someone let us know if she was/is or not) then we will leave her intact until she is just over 18 months to see how her temperament goes. She is the love of our life, and we may still want to show her, she trains easily except for no bite (clothes) and no jump (but I like this person).
So that is why we have an intact girl. (6.5 months)
On the bonding, with just two adults and no-one else, we are Tatty's pack, she pines if one of us is on a business trip. She goes crazy if we argue, she loves to sit across the sofa (couch) on both our laps, just one person and it isn't quite right. She lets me brush her easily, but trains better with my partner.
Emma and Tatty in France

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