Beth wrote:
> I do have a bunch of recipes that my mom, Snowy's treat chef :0), has that
she makes for him all of the time.  If there is interest I could post them
to the list.

Oh, yes, please DO!

In exchange, I will share the cookie recipe which every dog I have ever
met - including the most fickle and choosy eater - goes wild over. The first
time I made these, Harvey danced somethig akin to a cha-cha-cha.

1 pound of lambs liver
1 pound of wholemeal flour ( or gluten free flour)
1 egg
 good pinch of salt
few cloves of crushed garlic ( optional)
few good splashes of sunflower oil
chopped bunch of parsley
grated parmesan ( optional)

Puree lambs liver in processor until...well, thoroughly pureed. Add all
other ingreedients, except cheese. Process a bit more. Take out and chill in
the fridge for an hour or until you remember that you promised to bake the
dogs some treats.
Roll out on a floured surface - if you think the dough is too sticky add
more flour, if it's too thick add some more oil - cut out shapes with
cutters. Sprinkle with parmesan if using and bake for 10 -15 min in a
hottish oven ( 180 degrees celius or 400 F) on a tray lined with greaseproof

Cool on a wire rack. Ignore dogs who are whining. After 3 minutes, still try
to ignore dogs who are going frantic. Relent and say " Fine have it your
way - burn your mouth if you can't wait. See whether I care!". Enjoy
watching them snarfle the treats.

Freeze any leftover dough and use within a couple of months. Prepare for
mutiny when cookies run out. You have been warned!

Michaela, Harvey & Rups

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