Hi there,
Tatty was finally spayed on Friday, and is doing fine, though she has eaten the t-shirts, so it is back to a head collar thing until monday when the stitches come out. Thank you everyone on the list for your information and ideas, which meant we felt we were making an informed decision not to breed her. On Saturday the post brought her pedigree, plus her registration papers! Her grand-parents on one side had excellent hips, there was no info on either parent or her other side...
I have one question, can spayed dogs (and fixed male dogs) be shown? If not why not, one of the reasons we wanted to keep her 'whole' was to possibly show her. (however her temperament is not really suited at all)
I don't know if any of you read The Economist article about dogs and kennel clubs, but I am sure they could be approached to do an article about the economics of the dog trade. They seem to give balanced views about these sorts of things. Puppy mills are there because they make money. They need to not make money to go out of business. States that can pass laws via referendums could would on that angle.
Anyway, thanks again,
Emma and Tatty in France

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