Hi Cindy, saw your question about Berners and bones. We have been giving our Berner, Titan, raw soup bones to chew on since we brought him home. We give him the ones that are about 4 to 5 inches long and rather thick. He eats/licks the marrow out of the bone, naws a little bit, but never eats the bone itself because it is too hard to bite through. Maybe the kind of bone you are giving your Berner may be the problem. I gave Titan a knuckle bone once and he also ate it completely and then threw it up. After that I stuck to the thicker style long bone and we never had that problem again. I always take a good look at the bone and if there are any pieces that look like they may break off, I don't buy it. If you want to try again, I would suggest trying this style of bone and just watch her closely. Hope this helped you. Jan

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