----- Original Message -----
> I have a 5 month old berner pup that we have had since she was 7 weeks old
(we picked her up on October 21, >2002, for age reference)and she has a
frequent peeing problem.  She is crated during the day and at night when >we
are at work/sleeping, while in her crate she does not pee (approximate 10
hours per day).

Five months and you crate her 10 hours a day plus nights? I beleive in
crating, but that is TOO MUCH. Get a local kid , a pro dog walker, or
perhaps a retired but vigorous person who can walk this pup and play with
her in the afternoon for a reasonable chunk of time (shoot for an hour). Try
not peeing for 10 hours each day at work! There is a reason teachers of
young children are prone to urinary tract infections--they are unable to
slip out of the room for a quick pee and have to wait longer than is

>When we let her out and play with her/spend time with her she will
anonymously pee in the house (not near >the door to outside).  My question
is when and how can I stop this behavior.  She is going to obedience
>training and has shown signs of knowing to get attention to go outside and
pee (i.e. she did not pee in the >house for the entire previous week).
Check for a UTI infection, let her relieve herself on a more frequent
schedule. If she has to hold it for so long, she is probably unable to
completely void her bladder in one trip out doors. Thus, she goes out and
potties but she has more to do.

Use a product like Nature's Miracle to complete irradicate the smell of
urine in the house (she will smell it when you cannot), take her out
frequently and praise to the skies when she potties outside.

Good luck with her!
Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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