Let us SUPPOSE that I am new to the list. I am learning several things: if
my Berner plays with a Lab, I can bid farewell to good orthopedic status.
If my Berner presents with a lump, first rule out cancer. If my Berner does
not remain on the exact same diet on which the breeder's dogs thrive, he
will surely be, at some point, rushed to the vet. with a tummy ailment that
defies diagnosis.
Are we talking about farm dogs here or Grandma's little lap dog?
How fragile are these dogs going to become?
Lisa Allen
Blessed with Berners since 1983!
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- Food for Thought THOMAS SLIDER
- Re: Food for thought Lisa D Allen
- Re: Food for though... Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners
- RE: Food for th... Nancy Melone
- RE: Food for th... Rose Tierney