
Our Andi was active as could be, ran so fast up 4 steps and across the deck
that she'd come sliding into the house out of control.
She was over ten years old.
Just overnight she became like a person who had spun in circles and then
tried to walk. She wobble & then crash. He head had a slight tilt.
We went to the vet, ran tests, etc.
We were told she had suffered a stroke and would not get better, probably
soon would have another and worsen.
After some time we decided she was losing her dignity unable to hold her
urine, wetting herself. We made the awful decision to let her go.
She was 10 years, eight months old.
Several months later I was talking to an "ole timer vet and described Andi's
stoke and how we'd had to put her down.
He said, Honey, I hate to tell you this but strokes are not that common in
dogs. What you've described sounds like Old Dog Vestibular Syndrome and it
can be successfully treated.
I was heartbroken.
I researched the disease and thought it was important to get out the word so
that Andi's possible premature death would not be in vain.
I sent the info. to Elizabeth Pearson & it was published in the Alpenhorn.
As then, I hope now this info. could help Hugo, and other Bernese who may be
incorrectly diagnosed and given a premature death sentence.
I would have spent any amount of money to save my girl, but I did not know
about this ailment in time.
I will look up the info. and post the address to the list. It may not be of
help in this case, but if it saves one Bernese it is worth sharing to me, in
rememberance of: CH. Blue Mt. Andi Dasso's Swissmiss - Our Andi girl. In our
hearts forever.


Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners
N. California, USA

"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."
 Wayne Dyer - Psychotherapist, Author and Speaker

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