A lot has gone on with this big sweet fella and I just wanted to put my 2
cents in.

I have not dealt with dogs and strokes as much to my regret I listened to
the vet when my Max was 17yrs old and had a stroke.  He would get up and
fall over etc.  Even tho' he was seventeen yrs old up until the stroke he
acted like a puppy, never ever sick.  I know in my heart today, there was a
chance, as since that time I had the pleasure to help many a stroke patient
,human , work their way back with the proper tools! and encouragement and
The emergency with Hugo is his size and down for this length of time.  He
must get mobile or the organs will fail and time is of the utmost
Doggone was so nice in setting up this account as they know the importance
of Hugie's being mobile.  They have never done this before but jumped right
in as I feel they love dogs, not just in it for profit, and know the urgency
of this chair for this giant!
Donna is the one looking in his eyes and seeing a spark still there.  I have
a pic taken January 30th , prior to the Robaxin, which shows his sparkle
there in his eyes.  And once again Hugie is fighting to come back to Donna
and we can give him the chance.  We can all pull with love in our hearts and
help this fella before it is too late.
It takes two weeks to build a chair...a chair that can help this buddy in
his fight.  Then it will be there for the next furkid....Just think the next
one may be yours and what that two week wait can do!!!!!!
Bless you all for your kindness and support of Hugie and Donna.  I only wish
I had given my boy a chance, now I want Hugie to have his!
Rusty C praying for that small miracle

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