Pat Long wrote:
"And yes, it is very important, and we all appreciate
your efforts to get all the data submitted, I'll just
apologize for any delays - I think some of them are my
fault for not picking it up quickly enough! But I am
working on it!!"

Pat, Don't you DARE apologize!!  I mean, you can if
you want, don't let me stop you BUT I just want you to
know there is absolutely no reason for you to.  THANK
YOU SO MUCH for taking this on.  It is a huge job even
it you are doing it for the "interim".

It can be a little confusing because of there being
non-internet and internet versions of the database. 
The updates as I understand it, go into the
non-internet database first.  This is also the
database  that is used to generate hard copy reports
and pedigrees (for a small fee).  Eventually the
internet version of the database gets updated - but as
I understand it, this does require some effort and is
not something that is done on a daily or even weekly

Berner-Garde is an amazing source of information and
it is exciting to see more pet owners taking the
initiative to enter their dogs in this database, even
if their breeder doesn't help (I am a breeder who does
help facilitate getting health data on pups I have
bred, into this database).


Sharon Montville - Firstrax Bernese - Colorado

P.S. For those who have never visited Berner-Garde -
Here are some names to use to browse in Berner-Garde
at (with titles omitted):
Woodmoor's Evening Star
Woodmoor's Black Diamond
Nashems Solid Searcher
Firstrax Tanzanight

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