Hi Cheryl
First off I will say we are lucky to have all the raw beef bones we need. We
buy and have butchered 1 beef per year and the bones are cut up for the

If any bone we go to feed has excess fat on it we trim some of it off. The
shank bones or marrow bones as some folks call them are the leg bones. We
try to dig most of the marrow out as it will give them the diarrhea even if
they are used to raw bones. The knuckle bones have a lot of cartilage on
them and we leave most of that on well trimming off the fat.

The dogs like the rib bones, neck bones and back bones the best but chew
happily on any bone they get.

You might try giving Tanner some digestive enzymes with his AM feeding or
with the PM feeding if you only feed once a day. All our dogs get a large
spoon of yogurt on their AM feeding.

Tanner may also benefit from twice a day feeding if your only feeding once a
Our now 4 month old Shadow " pup from our last litter" will get very soft
stools, not diarrhea,  if he gets a real fatty bone or one with a lot

All our older Dogs handle what ever bone they get with no problem.

By the way, as far as dogs go, bones never spoil, they just get better. They
love to hide them in the dirt till they get good and ripe.


Ray & Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,,Bell, Shadow & Max
Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep

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