Our dogs were the ring bearers in our wedding.  This was before we got
our Bernese "Ginger" last year.  (I'm having a figurine made so that she can

sit next to the cake topper from our wedding.)  Our caketopper had 
our 3 cats and 2 dogs and us, in exactly our wedding outfits.  It was great!
Go to the website "itfiguresonline.com" to see what she can do.
It is a bit expensive but its a lifetime piece of art!  (She also has a
list so you'd have to be planning ahead.)  But it was incredibly fun to 
have all the personalities and likenesses on our cake - they all looked
like they were going to walk off and join the party! I'm attaching a
picture also - I hope you can open it! 
Congratulations and good luck!
Kaethy and Ginger in Los Angeles

> ----------
> From:         Lucy & Yogi
> Sent:         Wednesday, February 12, 2003 7:21 AM
> To:   Bernese List
> Subject:      Advice - Wedding Cake Toppers?
> Has anyone on the list purchased a wedding cake topper of berner 
> figurines?  If so, were you happy with it and how much did they look like 
> berners (as opposed to a general dog figurine painted berner colours)?
> I'm asking because I have come across a couple in my search, but no photo 
> of the berner topper exists, and I'm looking to see which best resembles a
> berner.  I'd really like them to look as much as possible like real 
> berners, and not a generic doggy figurine (i,.e. not a golden/setter/etc 
> type painted berner colours).
> Barring that, are there any sites where you have been particularly 
> happy/unhappy with their berner figurines in general?  Private replies are
> great.
> Thanks for your help,
> Jen
> (with the flower girl and ring bearer snoring away behind me)
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