A drumroll please -- I'm just so proud of my girl I think I'll bust my
buttons.  Today Aeryn, that baddest of bad, brattiest of brats, acquired the
covetted 3rd leg to give her her CD.  It was well earned by both of us!  She
got the 1st leg way back in Sept. '99 at her 1st ever trial.  I took her to
a trial in Apr. 2000, but she was too interested in sitting on the judge's
feet to even think about doing her off-least work.  Then we didn't do
anything for 2 1/2 yrs.  We tried at several trials last fall, but no luck.
But yesterday and today, the girl got it all together, harnessed the nerves,
paid attention, sat (mostly) when she ought to, came when called, and stayed
like a rock.  Two trials, and 2 qualifying scores -- nothing stellar
mark-wise, but more than enough for the purpose!  And best of all, the girl
had fun doing it!  She smiled and wagged and gave ample kisses the entire

Now, this doesn't mean she's all grown up and settled down, for it was just
2 weeks ago that she snacked on my father's dentures.  And it was just this
past week that the little madam lead me a panicked & frantic chase through
an absolute blizzard for 1 1/2 hours with me calling frantically for her
while I followed her rapidly disappearing tracks -- down the road, across
the road, through the neighbours' yards, and finally losing them at the edge
of the woods.  I returned home (while I could still see the house lights to
guide me through the snow) to dress warmer, exchange my totally inadequate
low shoes for proper boots, grab extra flashlight batteries, the 2-way
radio, and saddle up a horse -- I was just heading out to do the saddling
and she comes barrelling in the house all sheepish and apologetic.  I never
did find out where she'd run off too, but did find where she got through the
fence.  So maybe this weekend's hard work was to attone for my near frozen,
terrified, and sleepless state the other night ........ yeah right, since
when has Aeryn possessed a conscience??!!!!  Who cares?!  Now she possesses
a CD!!!!

I can't help myself, I'm sitting here grinning like the proverbial Cheshire

sue(Aeryn with Devyn & Rowyn)

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