I have been a 'quiet' listener (ie...learner!) to the list for the last 3-4 months. My family (husband, two boys...3 & 4) and I are thinking about getting a dog after waiting until our lifestyle would allow the time neccessary to spend with a pet. We were first drawn to Goldens because of their temperments with children. My brother has one and the boys adore her! While I know that no dog should ever be 'totally' trusted around a child (for the dog's sake as much as the child's!), my husband and I want to have a member of the family that we do not fear will harm our boys...let alone the many 'friends' that they will meet. We want to have some degree of comfort that this animal will love us as much as we love them and would never desire to harm one of us. I also want to be confident that the dog can be around other children/strangers and not be (unnecessarily) aggressive to them.

Then I saw a BMD, and like many others have commented, was totally taken with their good looks. I started searching for all the info I could about this breed (like joining this list) and began to think this might be the dog for us. From what I am reading on the list, it seems like they are an awesome family dog as well. It sounds like they are very loving and develop a strong relationship with the families that provide for them.

I've heard many comments from the members that they have had Goldens in the past...do you have any inputs about the charateristics of the two breeds and how they compare in regards to family life with young children? I also would be interested to know about any other differences you have found. While I know that an individual dog may not follow the typical characteristics of a given breed, I want to make sure that we do not make an unwise choice for the family.


Denise in Iowa

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