Hi Sherri,

I disagree.
If someone offered to give you a house, free of charge and you looked at the
house and said, "yes!" I'll take it!!
Then, 4 years down the road after you'd enjoyed the home, part of the roof
blew off and caused water damage inside, would you go back to the person who
gave you the house and demand they pay for everything?
What about a car? Someone gives you a nice car free of charge. A year later
the engine blows up, after thousands of
miles of carefree driving. Do you expect the gift giver to pay for repairs?
So, now we talk about a puppy.
You go to a breeder's house. You see a puppy you like, they say, "Here, you
can have her, free of charge." "you say, Oh my goodness!" "Thank you!"
You take the puppy home, raise it up, and at age 3 years old the puppy comes
up with lets say .... kidney failure.
Do you then call the breeder and ask them to pay for medical costs?

Sherri, I think in today's world too many people expect someone else to pay
the dues for things they have fully accepted responsibility for.
It's all good if you are given something and never have problems and enjoy
the "gift", but if the "gift" that you accepted, because "Wow!!! I can't
believe I don't have to pay for it!"  is an animal dog, cat, horse, pig,
etc. and it comes down with a medical condition that may cost you some $$$$
then the person who gave you the gift IE: breeder, should now also on top of
giving you the animal, pay for it's health costs??

I say, If you don't want the responsibility of the animal, or unforeseen
future medical costs, don't take the gift. If you do take the gift and are
unhappy paying for vet bills, food, etc. For goodness sake, give it back!
Why do people in today's world feel that the world owes them?



Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners
N. California, USA

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