Dear fellow listers,
Unfortunately we find ourselves once again in the position of needing advice on a medical matter. Gandalf (aged 2 1/2) has developed a little spot in each cornea. We have had Vets in Germany (personal friend of Christl's) and Switzerland check him out. They had never seen such a thing before and had no idea what it might be. Definitely not cataracts and (so far) no apparent affect on his vision (both spots are rather small and very close to the edge of the cornea).
Our German Vet has been doing a lot of research and putting questions out on a Vet's internet list asking if anyone had any experience with this phenomena. It has been several months now and she just got a response back from a Vet in the U.S. who says that it is probably a build-up of cholesterol (LDL, low-density lipoprotein) due to a congenital inability of his system to properly handle cholesterol. His bloodwork is good with all parameters normal, including cholesterol levels. Unfortunately this is apparently normal for this condition.
The U.S. Vet says that dietary management is the only option and it can, at best, slow the process. The prognosis is eventual blindness. Gandalf is BARF fed and has been on a diet that would be very low in fat except for the marrow bones and some rather fatty ribs that he would occasionally get for treats. Of course he's not getting any more fatty bones, just meaty bones, primarily skinless chicken necks, and meaty cartilage.
If anyone has experience with this condition and/or advice on what else we can do, please share with us. The thought of Gandalf being unable to run freely through the mountains just breaks my heart. Thanks for any help you can give.
Tim & Christl with Gandalf & Holly
in loving memory of Urmel, Frodo, Baerli and Magic
Domain Bernois
Nimes, France

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