Hi all,

I was lucky enough this fall to win the cart in the BEHAF raffle but was out of town until December - thanks to the hard work of Vilma Briggs and Joye Neff, the cart arrived at my house a few weeks ago (thank you Cathi too! It is gorgeous!). In preparation for the cart, I took my siwash harness and fitted it to Kosak, I put the tracers on him, and I hooked him up to Bianca's old plastic wagon - FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He ran me into a brick wall, down a hill - it was a disaster and this is after doing the weights on the end, the loose tracers, etc! So Wendi Giordano brought over her small competition cart from dog works hoping the more silent wheels and lower profile would be less threatening and he might actually pull it - FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great - I have this lovely cart coming and the dog is scared to death........ So Wendi and I patiently tried several more times, each time he was a little more calm and a little more tolerant.

Well the cart arrived and we decided to see what he would do - dang if that dog doesn't know that is HIS cart and he pulled it up the hill, turned around and pulled it back down the hill. Either he knows it is his, he has given up and decided to cooperate, or the aura from Ruth Nielsen, drafter extraordinaire, in his presence caused him to have some metamorphosis. I have no clue, but he is on his way to being a drafting fool! Yeah for Kosak! and thank you Cathi for building such a lovely cart!

Molly and the gang + 3 little squirts
Charlottesville, VA

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