Hi Molly,
Congrads on winning the cart..The first rule, NEVER NEVER NEVER put a dog
that doesn't know how to cart and see what happens..Once the dog gets
spooked it will take much longer to get past that stage..Plus he or she
could easily get hurt..
Start by just having your dog wear the harness. Than if no problems put the
traces on and have her just drag the traces....Than add a drag, such as a
small log or detergent bottle filled half way with water...Stay at this
step.. Make big wide turns and go over different surfaces..grass to gravel
to blacktop..

Take very small steps, make the lessons short,but make them fun..
I don't have the room here to give you a  full lesson, but Potomac which is
your local club does have carting workshops.. Just as Watchung on April 6
and Nashoba starting on March 29th.
Some dogs you could get away with hooking up and see what happens, but why
take the chance.. I had trained many dogs to cart from Berners to Goldens to
Chessie's They all can be taught some just take a little longer time
Good luck
Bill Wilczek
Wilczek Woodworks

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