When I get home from work, I rush to the mailbox to see what checks have arrived from which countries and there have been none!!! My mailbox has not had any checks for our fundraiser for THREE WHOLE DAYS!!!
Remember.....this fundraiser is for Grant #2214 and is being conducted to help raise money for cancer research in the study being done in the Ostrander Lab at The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington. Heidi Parker and her colleagues are trying to identify the DNA variants that cause Malignant Histiocytosis. The efforts of these researchers will, it is hoped, lead, in the next three to four years, to a DNA test using associated markers for this disease. Every week, we hear of Berners who have been diagnosed with malignant histiocytosis, or worse yet, who have lost the battle against malignant histiocytosis. I know only too well that horribly helpless feeling that you get when you hear those words. How wonderful it would be for breeders to be able to test their Berners and to be able to breed this terrible disease out of their lines. We NEED YOUR SUPPORT to help make this happen.

Willem Wijnberg, a hobby artist from the Netherlands has donated two more lovely paintings of Berners to help raise money for cancer research. Karen Pickel has once again made a terrific website for our fundraiser, so you can see Willem's paintings. Be sure to check it out and to also click on the link for information on the study and read about how you and your Berner can help this research project:

Willem's first painting (14 x 10 inches) is titled "Mother and Daughter." This is based on a beautiful photo that Pat Long took of Dottie Schulte's two Berners, who were father and son.

The second painting (14 x 10 inches) Willem titled "NEW HAPPINESS" and is a puppy from the litter of Fiona Gordon. The puppy's name is Bella. Be sure to read the story of this title on Karen Pickel's web site.

The fundraiser runs from February 25th through April 5th, 2003. That is not far away - it is only a little more than three weeks away.

I have given the price of tickets in ten different currencies so it is easier for those not living in the USA to send in their contributions to this fundraiser. Jean Cheesman and Willem Wijnberg have already contacted clubs in several other countries about publicizing this fundraiser among it's members. I'd love to see a lot of donations from people in other countries, because this research is going to help Berners worldwide.

If you are sending US fund, please make your checks payable to "AKC CHF" (contributions to AKC CHF are tax deductible and are matched at 50% by the AKC) and in the memo part of your check, write "Grant #2214."

As usual, I can accept foreign cheques, with no extra charge from my bank. Make these cheques payable to "Joye M. Neff," so I can convert them to US dollars.

Please mail your check to:
Joye M. Neff
1182 Firwood Drive
Pittsburgh, PA  15243-1825

Please send me the following information with your check:
        Phone Number
        E-Mail Address
        How you want to distribute your tickets

Willem insisted that this fundraiser be in memory of my Berner, Winston, who lost the battle to Malignant Histiocytosis on Jan. 4th, 2003 at the age of 'almost five years old.' I insisted that the fundraiser be in memory of all Berners who have lost their lives to this terrible cancer. We compromised and it is for both!

Jean Cheesman, from the UK, has made a wonderful Histio Roll Call web site that has photos and stories of some of the Berners who left their owners much too soon because of this disease. Be sure that you visit the site to see these very special, loving Berners: http://www.angelfire.com/anime3/longlease/histiorollcall.htm
If you have lost a Berner to malignant histiocytosis and would like to have him/her included in this website, contact Jean at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Last year, we raised a total of $5595 for the study of malignant histiocytosis. I would like us to TOP that number with this fundraiser. Remember that the AKC matches your donation at a rate of 50% so for every dollar you give, fifty cents is donated as a matching amount. So far, we have raised $898 for the fund.....we have a LONG way to go and need to raise around $4800 more to surpass our last fundraiser. I'm counting on each and every one of you to help! The time to send in your checks is NOW!!!

Please help us fight Malignant Histiocytosis. There are far too many young and old Berners who lose the battle to this terrible disease every day. We need to find a way to eliminate Malignant Histiocytosis. Won't you please be part of the solution - we CAN and WILL make a difference!!

Joye Neff and Nick (Ben)
In memory of Winston Poohbear (1998-2003)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

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