
I don't have any advice for you (could use some
myself), but I wanted to let you know that you are
definitely not the only one with this problem!  Just
today I was cleaning out the portion of the back yard
where all our tress are.  Amongst all the branches
from the winter I found a small fallen tree that was
the victim of Ringo's digging.  I dragged it out into
the yard and as soon as I dropped it, Ringo tried to
pick it up and drag it around as if to say "thanks for
getting MY tree out of there so I can really play with
it!"  What a dog!

-Rachel Kraus

> They pulled that poor willow out of the ground and
> started eating the 
> branches before he stopped them.  They didn't get to
> eat the branches, but 
> they sure did shock the poor tree.  

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