1 --- Do you live in
    a) city
    b) suburbs
    c) country
    d) on Planet Berner
B) Suburbs--technically a small/medium city west of
2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?

Floor at the foot of the stairs to "guard" her biped
sisters who sleep upstairs.  Sometimes the living room
couch.  She is welcome in bed with me and does so when
it thunders.  
3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

Our two year old lab, Shadow!  

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in
the blank)

Physically--her tail, it is a "gay tail" but she is
proud of it and flaunts it wherever she goes and gives
me the "talk to the tail" move often! She also poses
very regally with her paws crossed in her "Princess
Pretty Paws" pose.

Personality--she's all berner, need I say more?

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
Nope.  For the kids.  Went from one kid, one dog in a
Mazda 626 to two kids, two dogs in a Montana van.  We
take the back seats out and put up a dividing panel
and the dogs ride in the back.  It has rear a/c so
they are comfortable.

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any
titles your dog
has won)
    a) conformation
    b) obedience trials
    c) drafting trials
    d) agility
    e) therapy work
    f) tracking
    g) training classes
    h) digging to China
H and Championship Counter Surfing! 
7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done

Stealing 4 juicy delmonico steaks off the dining room
table after my husband brought them in from the grill
and returned to the kitchen for other food.  She had
steak, we had eggs and sausage that night!  Also she
and Shadow conspired to drag a cushion from the extra
large chair and play tug-o-war with it in the back
yard one morning while I was out.  

Beth Oberle
Heidi the Berner
Shadow the Lab
St. Charles, IL

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