I'm sure the club would really appreciate the dollars a multi-day agility trial
would pull in.  IMHO, it doesn't seem practical for a specialty event, though. 
Agility trials are very labor intensive, as I'm sure you know!  There's so many
other things going on at a specialty that most people want to attend.  I don't
think you'd get many volunteers.  You would have to look outside the club for
workers.  Don't forget it would be during the week, too.  

I do like the idea of opening the trial to other breeds, after all Berners are
accepted.  It could still be a 1 day trial, but it would be a longer day.  I
think it would pay for itself and maybe even make some money.


ed mcclure wrote:
> Personally, I think one agility day just for Berners and then perhaps two
> open days is a great idea.  The facility is already rented, at least one
> judge is already there, and yes, agility trials are great money makers.  The
> site would have to be either in a large populated area or one that had
> several motels though, to hold all the Berner people there for the specialty
> as well as outside agility folks.  Perhaps it could help offset the cost of
> offering a full tracking test (TD/TDX/VST) and a second day of obedience.
> Even though I had to pull from obedience in WV because my dog became ill, I
> thought two obedience days was great. Our agility trial this past winter
> gave the club a phenominal profit !!! With the preferred classes being out
> east, I'm sure the Berner agility entries  will increase.  My biggest
> concern would be that some performance people do not like to do more than
> one venue a day - for example, many don't like to do agility and obedience
> on the same day. I am OK with it, but I think we would have to  find out how
> the majority of those that do both feel about it.   Probably  the agility
> and obedience should not be offered on the same day(s).  The same especially
> holds true of tracking, which in my experience is more draining on a dog
> than obedience or agility.I can't speak for carting.What do others that do
> both agility and obedience think?  Does the BMDCA need the $$ that an
> open agility trial would bring in?  Is it worth the extra work?
> Denise McClure
> Kato's Jester VCD1 OA OAJ AXJP
> Brighteye Shooting Star TD

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