Many thanks to all who are working so diligently to
create a great Specialty.  Having been part of
planning committes for some professional conferences,
I know first hand all the work that is involved.  I
also know that without the feedback from our
membership and attendees who are not members, that
continually improving the conferences would not be
possible.  That feedback comes in many forms and all
of it should be evaluated objectively.  Most people
don't even know who the conference planners are, let
alone all the work involved.  

That said, I was one of the people who stated I would
not support a Lancaster based Specialty.  I, like so
many others, do contribute to the efforts against
puppymills, financially and through education. 
Together these are forceful tools, if only we could
get them to work faster, but that is my personal

I meant no personal slight or attack by my message,
but simply a statement of MY personal position and
BTW, I wouldn't support an event held in Missouri
either.   Thank you for listening and thank you again
for all of your hard work.  I am sure the event will
be wonderful and I look forward to attending and
helping out.

Wendi Giordano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Striving to be worthy of my beautiful Berners...
In gratitude to and loving memory of Miss Kitty (Swiss Stars Cat Balou)
Dec. 1, 1994 - Feb. 14, 2003
Splash (Swiss Stars Over Niagara)
Cutter (Swiss Stars Black Diamond)

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