Thanks Rose, Thanks Eileen

Last night, one more nice long walk, came home with everyone happy and
relaxed and then, all of a sudden he was at her again. (I was getting dishes
into the dishwasher and noticed I had one to my right and one to my left,
and was thinking how peaceful they looked. : (
She just gets into a corner , cowers but bares her teeth. He actually goes
at her but does not draw any blood, but it looks dangerous enough for my
intervention since she cries. Eileen, I´ve handled no intervention in
skirmishes where the fight looks even, but how do I deal with one much
larger dog cornering a smaller, more fragile dog in a corner and her crying?
I´m afraid I won´t see the blood until it´s too late!

 But this morning they met and were fine. Just hung out together, looking
somewhat tense but no growling or squirmishes or anyhting. And they chose to
be together in a large yard.

I´m still confused.

Rose wrote:
> It does sound rather like he doesn't like her, is there any chance that
> can find her a quiet home where she would be the only dog.

The other option right now is a home with many more dogs! And she has become
very attached to me...

She sounds like
> she has no real dog social skills and your boy is not getting a good feed
> back from her.

She ignores/ is ignored by my other dogs.Would that mean no dog skills?

 If finding her another home is not an option then keep her
> separate from him for a while, once he is neutered it will take three to
> six months for his testosterone levels to fully subside and at his current
> age they would be very high. They are when they are

OK, I´ll see how long I can keep them separate.

I would
> be inclined to leave her intact for a while and let her relax ....

That makes sense. I´ve spoken to her vet and cancelled the appointment for now.

. You must do more obedience work with your boy, he is sounding
> wilful and not listening. You must be the leading bitch in your household
> of dogs, it's imp

Ok, Thanks for pulling my ear! I´ll get into that obedience mode.

> Good luck
Thank you so much and I´ll let you know how it goes

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