
German Shephards are known for having Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

I knew of a top performance Golden Retreiver who licked her legs raw. It
was a neurotic behaviour, she was so "overtrained" I doubt this bitch could
toilet without being commanded.

If a dog is licking the paws excessively the first thing to do is examine
the feet closely and if there is a reddish brown colour or grease in
between the toes then it is simply a fungal infection which is easily
treated. Continual recurrence is general linked to food allergy but may
also be contact allergy. It can also be advisable to check a dog's thyroid
panel, Berners are generally on the low side of normal but quite often a
diagnosis of hypothyroidism and subsequent supplementation can help with
skin and coat issues.

Another thing is to keep nails short because discomfort with long toenails
turning can aggravate sensitive feet when walking on hard surfaces. Also be
mindful of the surface your dog is exercising on, too much pounding the
pavement can make the pads sore and the toe joints ache.


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