I asked for suggestions a week or two ago about how to keep track of my dogs when hiking. Several of you suggested bells. I thought that was a great idea and ordered 2 swiss bells off of a web page. The arrived yesterday just as we were leaving for a hike. I put them on the dog's collars and immediately their tails went down and they looked scared by the noise. The noise isn't really that loud, just sounds like windchimes, especially with the 2 dogs together. I thought the car ride might help them get used to it. But even when we started hiking they would only walk right by my side off-leash and were too scared to run and explore like the normally do. So I took pity and took the bells off. This was their last hike before we leave tomorrow to visit my parents in Atlanta for 10 days where they are on-leash at all times due to the lack of a fence. I hated for them not to get out their energy.

Did any of you have problems introducing bells on your dogs collars? How long did it take for them to get over it? My dogs tend to be very sensitive about noises and things they don't like. One of them is truly terrified by an alarm clock that I use when I travel. If I accidently make it beep in the house she will stay outdoors for hours and sometimes it affects her for days. I'd hate for the bells to have the same effect. Thanks for any advice!!

Linda & Mocha & Latte
Blacksburg VA

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