My Winston used to love to wear his Swiss bell. When he was a puppy, I got a tiny wedding bell and put it on his collar just for fun. It didn't phase him at all and he wore it all the time on his collar. When I was at the Specialty in Wisconsin, I bought a beautiful, melodic Swiss bell for him and he always wore it when he pulled his cart for fun or in parades. It never seemed to bother him - in fact, he got excited when he heard it ring.

The Public Safety people called this week to see if I would please bring Winston to the Antique Car Show that is being held in the main street area of Mt. Lebanon this weekend and also to the 4th of July celebration in the park. Last year he gave cart rides to the little kids during those events and was a huge hit!!! They felt so badly when we told them that he had died from malignant histiocytosis in January. I know that he would have had a good time this weekend and also on the 4th of July in the park. Bill told them that in a few years, we would continue the tradition with Nicky. I guess I better start getting him used to wearing a tiny bell.

Joye Neff and Nick (just turned six months old today) (and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

--On Wednesday, June 25, 2003 2:06 PM -0400 Maria Crifasi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:r

Hi Linda,

Both my Berners (Daisy and Buddy) are used to noises since I made it a
habit to drop objects, etc. during their puppyhood.  I bought two bells
(small and medium) from the Care-A-Lot Pets catalog.  They are not as
loud as the Swiss bells.  I think I could have hung the Liberty Bell from
their collar and they would not have hesitated because they love to go
for walks.  I remember them looking at me with confusion when the bells
first jangled but I just clapped, jumped up and down and then gave them a
treat. The smaller bell makes a low tinkling sound -- just enough for me
to figure out where Daisy is in the woods.

I'd try a smaller bell, put it on your Berner, let it jangle, cheer, give
your Berner a treat and immediately  remove the collar and bell.  Do this
several times extending the time the collar/bell is worn. I'm sure the
Berner-L pros will have some good ideas.  Good luck!

Maria Crifasi
Catoctin Mountains, Maryland

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