This is the original e-mail I sent to Cabela's, and at the bottom their
response to me.
I will also share my response back to them. Since sharing this e-mail with
as many of my friends as I can, Cabela's has already received many more
e-mails voicing their opinions about Cabela's.

> To Whom it May Concern:
> I write as an owner of dogs and a now FORMER shopper at Cabela's.
> I've read with disgust your practice of selling pups from the parking lot
> of your store.  I've read the list of breeder requirements that you send
> a response to all inquiries.  It is a reasonable list, if were actuate.
> NO responsible breeder would EVER sell their puppies this way with no
> control over the fate of their puppies. The only people willing to do
> something like this is commercial breeders (AKA puppy millers and back
> breeders)
> I have been fighting this industry for years, watching as the dogs are
> becoming more and more health problematic and watching as the cruelty of
> dogs become more and more acceptable. ANYONE that can condone what is
> happening here in the mid west is a sick, undeserving person. I challenge
> your store to visit ONE puppy mill, or ONE of your so called breeders
> facilities and you tell me if you would want your children getting a dog
> from one of these people.
> Also, anyone who purchases a dog this way is doing so on impulse. Impulse
> buying is a BIG reason why our shelters and humane societies are SO over
> crowded and why BILLIONS of dogs are put to death everyday. Instead of
> thinking about a purchase like this and making an informed decision, they
> buy the cute little puppy and find out AFTER the problems start that this
> not an appropriate breed for their family. Then off Fido goes to the pound
> or into the back yard with no socialization until he becomes a menus.
> OR you could have this family thinking "hey, Fido could be bred and we
> sell the puppies back at Cabela's and make our money back". Now you have
> 3-10 times the people doing the exact same thing as the scum bags before
> them.
> Cabela's can stand tall and be proud that THEY have become part of the
> problem......instead of the solution like more responsible and respectable
> establishments. Rest assured that the pure breed dog community of
> RESPONSIBLE breeder will spread the word that Cabela's is intentionally
> destroying the efforts we have been making in the mid west trying to help
> My hope is that who ever is responsible for making this very poor decision
> is the lucky new owner of one of these puppies, and that this puppy
> as big a problem for them as so many other families have had to deal with.
> Maybe it is time your company opened their eyes and had a look around the
> internet about some of your "breeders" and the conditions these poor
> live in......maybe your company should be more concerned about trying to
> help the animals instead of trying to kill them a little faster.
> Sincerely, a disgusted past shopper
> Amy R Kessler

> cc'd to a LOT of my friends
> Friends- I urge you to spread this as far as you can.......and let
> know what you think at the address this was sent to. I will show you all
> "form" letter they have sent to everyone else who has made their opinions
> known.
> Amy

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cabela's Customer Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: puppies for sale <<#222895-416117#>>

> Thank you for your recent correspondence concerning the Sporting Dog
Seminars recently held at the Cabela's Dundee Showroom location.  The
seminars are all directed to the sporting dog and include crate training,
retrieval training, and what to look for in a puppy when purchasing a
hunting dog, to name a few.
> There are a limited number of AKC registered sporting dog breeders on-hand
as well, which are allowed to attend only after they have met stringent
guidelines in place for the protection of each animals welfare.
> We respect your position, which appears to parallel our own, and have
forwarded your comments and concerns to our Executive Management Team.
> Ron
> Email tracking number: 416117

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