Hello All! Another question to those with more experience than I-

My soon-to-be 5 mo. female has been doing wonderfully with house training-no poop accidents for at least a month, and no pee accidents for a week( and those were my fault entirely!) Early Tuesday morning, she pooped in a corner of our bedroom-she knew she had been bad and looked very contrite about it-and sometime late Wednesday evening she pooped in my daughter's bedroom (slightly runny stuff) after coming in from playing in the yard for 20 mins. with my husband. She is teething, could this have something to do with runny poop/not being able to control it, or is she starting an adolescent phase? I have not changed her diet, though  she was inside more than usual since Sunday. Any suggestions?

Oh, she usually sleeps next to the bed, and she knows that the bedroom is our den. I haven't crated her since her first week with us, she was doing so well! But I brought home a wire crate, we do want to show her and she needs to get used to it, and I will be having a baby in the next 2 weeks, will it be too much to start her in it now?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts,

Darcy and Trista

You can see her litter photos here:

http://www.geocities.com/barkingbunch/ximena03/index2.htm    Click on week 7 to see her individually!


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