I have been silent for 5 months... unable to resolve the plain text issue but now I 
have such good news to share I've decided to try again. I followed the patient 
instructions from Pat, Nancy and Maria ( thank you!) , and consulted with AOL tech 
support. The latter assured me that I have everything set up right...hmmm we'll see.
Now to the news: Back in December '02 Tobie, at 18 months, was diagnosed with SARD 
(sudden acquired retinal detachment) , then  it was changed to ideopathic retinal 
detachment, ideopathic meaning  the cause is unknown.
 She went completely blnd in a very short time. When we realized her problem we took 
her to our  vet who referred her to an opthalmic specialist. She was treated with 
prednisone and lasix ( then changed to methozolamide and lasix) and given a 50% chance 
of regaining her sight.
 We took her back to the opthalmic specialist in late January and his comment on 
examination  was " Hot damn, this is great" From an older, experienced, close to 
retirement,  vet it was exciting  and encouraging to see that kind of enthusiasm!  He 
told us to monitor her very carefully and bring her back in 6 monts for a recheck. 
Yesterday, was the day for the 6 month check-up and I was told that everything looked 
great, both retinas reattached perfectly and looking very normal. She was seen by two 
opthalmic vets and a resident , all of whom agreed that she was doing very well.
By way of celebration, apart from all the hugs and kisses  etc., I plan to e-mail the 
Dana Farber Cancer Institute to offer to enrol both my dogs  in their DNA collection, 
from healthy Berners!I will of course include details of Tobie's miraculous recovery 
in the e-mail
Hugs to all,
Carol Westaway, Grove City , Ohio

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