Hi Kathy,

and further to Willem's reply!

>the vet is recommending chemotherapy. Does anyone
> have any experience with having their dog go through this? If so, please
> me know. She doesn't know what to do and we don't know what dogs go
> on chemo.

Having a dog on chemo is not as frightening as it first sounds!

First the dosage is much less than that given to us human beings, quality of
life is judged most important here! Also dogs do seem to tolerate the
treatment much better than humans (perhaps because they do not understand
what is happening and so have no fears as long as the owner stays calm) and
they do not lose their hair, though areas where biopsy has been done and
hair shaved may be slow to grow back!

My Samson with highly malignant T-cell 3 lymphoma underwent chemo, we had an
additional six months of glorious time with this boy where you wouldn't have
known he was sick at all! Initial prognosis was a few short weeks even with
treatment, a few days without! Find Sam's Story on my website below.

Willem has also replied to your intial mail re. his Newfie, Simba, who had
an additional nine months of precious time despite advanced bone cancer!
Simba's story is on the In Loving Memory of pages on my site, url below!

These two cases are of dogs with terminal illness who had chemo to prolong
life, extreme cases!

> I have a friend who's 6 yr old dog was just operated on for a brain tumor.
> The tumor was benign

I am no Oncologist but would hazard a guess here that that they are
recommending chemo as a back-up/just in case! (Human) friend of mine had
brain tumour, benign, removed a few years ago, she too underwent chemo as a
fail safe just in case removing tumour kicked into action some latent
cancerous growth! Hmm! Few years ago, was fifteen years ago! Paula is doing
fine! I spoke to her last week!

Wishing your friend's dog all the best and a long and happy life!

You can mail me privately if you want more information

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Gang

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