Yes, I agree there are fat burners on raw diets as well as on kibble.
But my guys have lost the weight they carried on kibble by going to raw,
but then I don't feed grain and watch how much fat they get with the
meat. That's why I like raw as I can control what they get and how much!
It is just the meat and bones and veggies and fruit.  Just my 2 cents.

Lynne and the guys
Keyport, Washintton

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: raw food diet? any experiences? and relation to fat dogs

On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 07:47:34 -0700 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Anyways... have any of you experience with a raw food diet?  Thanks

Ok, here's where I'm going to get into trouble.......I'm not wanting to
start a war but, my experience with raw food is that I've seen lots of
these dogs with beautiful coats happy smiles and fat butts! I mean
lots of folks don't seem to know how much to feed and there are alot of
fat BARF fed dogs out there..........

Having gotten myself into deep kaka for saying that yes there are fat
dogs on kibble too. Just seems for dogs supposed to be so much more
healthy on a BARF diet, fat seems to be part of the package. 

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

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