I have had to deal with one hot spot. And what cleared it up without shaving the area is Listerine mouth wash (not the mint). I mixed with water at about 40/60 for the first day and then 50/50. i sprayed it on about 3 to 4 times a day. The weeping stopped the 2nd day. It healed fast and so far has not returned (I think it was from my dogs nylon collar he "was" wearing and it had gotten wet several times.


At 11:43 PM 7/25/2003 -0400, Melissa Leaist wrote:

Hi all,

Not surprisingly after spending her day damp while getting treated for heat
stroke last week, our Jude has the very earliest stages of a hot spot
forming on her left hip. We've not experienced one with her, but we hear
from the breeder she lived with for the first year and a half that she does
have a proneness for them.  So far it's smaller than a dime, not too
terribly oozy and it doesn't seem to be bothering.  I'm hoping to help avoid
a big nasty mess.  Sounds like a silly thing to worry about after having
been so ill last week, but I'd really like to avoid having her go through
the discomfort and irritation of a nasty hot spot if I can this week.

Any tips for me folks?  So far I've just been keeping an eye on it and
trying to keep loose fur and dandruff off as well as cleaning it a couple
times a with hydrogen peroxide (the kind you get pre-dilluted for wound
care) to try to avoid infection and perhaps help dry it up.  We have quite a
few remedies at our disposal at home that we could use if they sounded like
they may be of benefit (tea tree oil, witch hazel, aloe).

We're off to a Berner Fun Day tomorrow.  The Ontario (Canada) group has one
every year apparently and the breeder we found our Jude at suggested it to
us as a great place to meet other Berners and their families.  We're still
newbies to the breed so it sounds like fun to me!  I'm sure we'll all have

Take care,

Sheila Avalos - TNG Bernese * Redding, California http://www.tngbernese.com * ICQ #255707 * Yahoo! IM tngbernese *snappy, funny, cute or clever quote goes here*

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