While I would agree with both Pat and Susan about the general wisdom of not
buying puppies from pet stores, in the cases where we (in collaboration with
others) have been able to buy sick dogs at below market prices, we have been
able to document through the help of collaborating veterinarians and BMDCA
members the animal's poor condition and in many cases its under age
importation (these are actionable offenses).  We then forward this
documentation to the BMDCA (BARC may not lobby so we cannot do it directly)
who has in turn forwarded it on to their lobbyist who has given the
information to the USDA - Animal Care.

There are times when a wise purchase of an abused animal in which
documentation can be achieved can benefit the breed.  Like many things in
life, some judgment must be exercised in how each of these cases is
approached. In virtually ALL CASES, making an attempt to educate the buyer
of the puppy has no downside risk and may have an upside benefit.

Nancy Melone
Mars, PA

-----Original Message-----
From: Pat Long & Paul Dangel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 4:35 PM
Subject: RE: distressed over Berner pup

Dear Rick (sorry if I guessed wrong!),

As hard as it is, the best thing you can do is to leave that girl right
where she is. If we buy her, the pet store owner will get more Berner
puppies. If he keeps this girl long enough, he will lose money, and be
less likely to want to get more Berner puppies. I put together a
pamphlet for pet shops like this, you could print it out and put some
information about your regional club on it, and ask the pet store owner
if he would be willing to keep it to give to the lucky person who
purchases the Berner puppy. I also have a sample letter you could give
the store owner with the puppy, I will send that to you separately.

The pamphlet is designed to welcome the new puppy owner into the Berner
community, and give them somewhere to go for advice and help when they
have questions. To see it, go to www.berner.org and click on "Berner U."
Public Education Materials" or go directly to:
The pamphlet is an attachment at the bottom of the page.

Pat Long, a babysat Daisy and Buddy, (& LUTHER!!!)
Berwyn PA

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