Ah, yes, the berner that needs something in the mouth when s/he is excited...

We have learned to keep stuffed animals handy by the door, so when we come
home we can stuff them in her mouth...  If we don't she mouths us, chews
on Apollo, and barks incescently in the highest pitched bark a berner
could possibly have (Rowan is defintely a Soprano!)  Stuff the green moose
into her mouth though, and she is happy as a clam. :-)  Given that we are
moving from the country into an apartment building in two weeks and Rowan
loves the sound of her own voice, I can see that we're going to be
stuffing toys into her mouth often...

Is Micawber otherwise a mouth oriented dog?  Rowan gives these love
nibbles when she is cuddling with us.  They are very cute, as long as she
doesn't get bare skin or sensitive places. ;-)  When she was a puppy, I
was constantly shoving a toy into her mouth, to keep other stuff out of
her mouth!


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