Thank you ALL for your advice on "beaching" my counter "surfer".  The
obvious answer is to keep all food off the counters....unfortunately, I do
not live alone, and my stealth bomber waits until your back is turned for a
nano-second during food preparation.  I am going to catalog the many
suggestions and use Wrigley as a test for each method.  I'll let you all
know what he responds to, it anything.  The idea that it is genetic and
cannot be countermanded is a bit deflating, but we will perservere.

Wrigley took his surfing to a new level this morning.  He snagged an open
bottle of foot powder off the bathroom vanity table and gleefully ran
through the house biting it, which caused the powder to spew everywhere,
living room, kitchen, dining room.....  FYI, foot powder can be vacuumed off
the carpets, but needs to be washed off the hardwood least

Where is Daisy Crifasi and her surfing knowlege when you need her??????

Janice Parky, Halley and Wrigley,
Cape Cod, MA

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