Joye wrote:

It only took him a minute to steal the teatowel off the counter and devour it. I called his vet (a Berner owner too) for instructions and then used a syringe to give him diluted peroxide. Both times he got this very funny look on his face about a minute later and threw up a lot of tea towel pieces with his recently eaten dinner. I then pulled out the teatowel pieces from the pile and pieced them together like a puzzle to make sure we had them all. I was happy to see that he had at least had torn both teatowels into tiny pieces before swallowing them.

Joye, aren't you the same person that put some paper money back together after it had passed through digestion? I recall that the bank was unwilling to take it out of the zip-lock but they gave you replacement money. So you are good at putting puzzle pieces together.

Our first Berner, Merlin, helped me coin the phrase - two tail disease - where the normal tail went up and the sock hung down. I've assisted Merlin and Pilgrim with the removal of lots of socks. The worse was an ace bandage. I'd gently pull, cut off excess and wait for Pilgrim to push out some more. Pilgrim did have a $800 sockectomy. He also grabbed the Christmas turkey breast off the counter. It was a sign of how far my mother had come that, after we wrestled it away from him, she washed it off, cut up the bite marks, and served the rest.

Now both Sunny and Pilgrim are grown up boys and don't bother even delectable things on the counters.


Nell and John Ward  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Bern, North Carolina
Sunshine - 9 y.o. male Bernese Mountain Dog, CGC
Pilgrim - 6 year old male Bernese Mountain Dog CGC/TDI
In memory of Merlin (Berner), Kasey Anne (Aussie), and Sasha (Amer. Eskimo)

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