A new virus is making the round and it appears that a
lot of people are infected. 

I've have been getting swamped with email infected
with the [EMAIL PROTECTED] worm. I have seen one copy
that has gone to Bernese list. One message was
addressed from Pat Long (although I'm sure Pat didn't
send it).  The virus fakes the senders address.

The subject of the infected mail will be 
- Re: Details 
- Re: Approved 
- Re: Re: My details 
- Re: Thank you! 
- Re: That movie 
- Re: Wicked screensaver 
- Re: Your application 
- Thank you! 
- Your details 

I know there are messages like this going out with my
email address on them, but they didn't come from my
computer. My system is not infected and Norton
Antivirus is quarantined the infected attachments. 
For more detail and removal instructions on this worm
http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please use a virus scanner on your computers and keep
it up to date.  Do not open attachments on emails with
the subject names listed above, even if they appear to
be coming from someone you know.

Robin Camken

Robin Camken   
Ottawa, ON, Canada 

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