Well folks, This is Gelli reporting from the world of puppy. I
have discovered several neat new things. First, let me tell you
about toilet paper. It comes on rolls and the best thing is that
when you fight with a roll of toilet paper it fights right back!
And if you run into the living room trailing a stream of toilet
paper mom and dad chase you! You can wrap it around chairs,
festoon the dining room and kitchen in nice white paper
streamers and tear it to shreds, and eat it. (This is especially
good if they are entertaining.) And, it is biodegradable and
does no damage to your digestive system. Unlike panty hose which
is my next subject. Mom has this habit every morning of putting
on hose. This is a good game and she obviously needs my help
because she balances on one leg while attempting to insert the
other leg in hose. I find that the best approach is to grab the
feet of the free hose leg and RUN! I am guessing that we could
add several new panty hose challenges to the agility events. And
finally, there is UNDERWEAR! Ladies bras and undies seem to
elicit the greatest response. The more lacy and delicate the
item the better. AND if I grab Mom's underwear and show off my
prize when they have company I get the very best reaction.
Doesn't really matter if it is black lace or cobbled together
with safety pins. She chases me all the same. Its especially
good if the people do not have doggies of their own. They are
amazed at my brilliance and absolutely astonished at the tricks
I get up to. They think I'm a genius! 
Note from Gelli's parents: Who teaches these puppies these
tricks?! Is there some kind of invisible manual or is it
genetic. Is this the instinctive behavior of genus BERNER? We
were so proud that we were not harboring a counter surfer who
stole pot roasts, cheese, underwear, shoes, etc.! Were we living
in a fool's paradise! Gelli seems to have read the Berner-l
about mischevious misbehavior and taken every lesson to heart.
He's nearly six months old and is clearly plotting insurrection
every second of every day! We love him and the challenge is in
not laughing when he gets up to his silly antics. Daisy, you
have a lot of questions to answer! We believe that you have been
channeling Berner Puppy Hints to the next generation!

Patricia Buickerood

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