I have talked to two vets about this. They both give it but they also make sure no other vaccine is given 2-3 weeks before or after the lepto vacc. (one also gives just 1/2 of the dosage two times) For California I was told by one of the two vets, Fort Dodge Vacc. now has the main strain found in California. Also, lepto can be gotten from raccoons, rats and other animals. I have 3 pet rats, yes they are from long lines of "domestic" rats but they could still carry something. For us lepto is recommended due to the rural area. I have not given it yet but it's being shipped and will give it to all my dogs.


At 06:24 PM 8/19/2003 -0700, MARK & LISA DUVALL wrote:
I had a question about the lepto vaccine...I know
there was some discussion a while back but can't seen
to find anything on it.
I am not sure if I want to give this shot to my 13 wk.
bmd girl. I have heard of bad reactions to this and
also that there are new strains that the vaccine don't
cover. On the other hand the lepto virus itself sounds
so bad that I'm scared not to give it. I am curious to
know if anyone has had any bad reactions to the
vaccine. I live in Maryland and I'm not sure if it's
prevalent in my area?? My vet suggests it but also
said he has had a few dogs over the years who have had
bad reactions to it. Any input would be greatly

Lisa Duvall & Anja ( mom's big baby )

Sheila Avalos - TNG Bernese * Redding, California http://www.tngbernese.com * ICQ #255707 * Yahoo! IM tngbernese *snappy, funny, cute or clever quote goes here*

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