
Thanks for making a good point.

>One thing I would like to add is that nothing should be put into a
>ear without the vet first examining the eardrum. What looks like a
>yeasty ear can be a whole host of  bad things cooking one of which is
>pseudynomous which destroys the eardrum.

Veterinarian evaluation of the dogs ears is a must before using Blue
Power for the reasons stated in your post. That is noted as a caution on
the web site.

In my case, my dog had been under vet care for an extended period of
time. We tried Alocetic Ear Cleaner, which is alcohol free, Foaming
Sensitive Ear Cleaner and Otimax all to no avail. Only the Blue Power
seemed to help and did not seem to bother the dog as much as the vet
prescribed ear cleaners.

But! your point should be well taken. The ear problem needs to be
diagnosed by a vet.


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