Having seen Adrian's email on the suggested changes (mux'ing VLANs on the same 
IMET) here's a nit-pic _or_  a clarifying question depending how one sees it:

Let me see whether I parse it correctly:

a)      we are talking about BUM P-Tunnels

b)      the text clarifies that multiple VLANs can be mux'ed onto same P-Tunnel

c)      The rule that multiple EVIs can be mux'ed onto a P-tunnel in case of 
p2mp per 16.2.1 still stands.

My question would be: What is the ETAG is multiple VLANs are multiplexed onto a 
P-Tunnel. I assume it's max-ET?  I assume that the choice (each VLAN distinct 
or all VLANs on same P-Tunnel) is a binary decision; otherwise we'd have to 
deal with the situation where we advertise for an EVI 1

EVI1; ETAG=100, PMSI1'

with the semantics of "all VLANs _except_ 100".  Probably not intended.

As well, I was always lost how ETAG can be used once multiple EVIs are mux'ed 
onto a P-tunnel.  It would mean "VLAN 100 for EVI1 _and_ EVI2" which does not 
seem particularly useful.

n  tony

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