On 3/25/15 10:23 AM, Antoni Przygienda wrote:

Watching the presentation in the group and instead crowding the mike here are my comments:

a)It is worth explaining what flavor of ARP proxy eVPN implements. ‘proxy ARP’ I found out has different flavors including e.g. the router responding with its own MAC to requests representing remote hosts. Customers & other folks are easily confused by the overloaded ‘proxy ARP’ term in eVPN context.

Yes, that is a part that is underspecified for EVPN. I assume that the response would include the MAC address of the CE instead of the router's own MAC address.

b)It is worth explaining what is suggested behavior if eVPN advertises the same IP with multiple MACs and what happens when e.g. the served MAC vanishes

Doesn't the EVPN RFC already stating that the routes would be withdrawn in that case?

c)It is worth explaining what the suggested behavior should be when ‘local-bit’ MACs are being advertised from remotes (and when those collide)

Does L2VPN handle that in any interesting way? I don't think EVPN introduces any new failure modes for duplicate MAC addresses.

d)eVPN draft does not explain anything about possibility to snoop @ DHCP

e)the IP duplicate detection is an interesting thing given the anycast/multicast and other zoo

Presumably not only anycast, but also for some host that might have a single IP address and use it with different MAC addresses (I think certain configurations of NIC bonding has that effect.)

FWIW the SAVI RFC provides an approach to tell whether it was a change in the IP to MAC binding or the IP address being reachable at multiple MAC addresses at the same time (which is basically to unicast an NS to the old MAC address - I don't know if that would work will for ARP as well).

That still leaves out what to do in the case of anycast addresses etc.


--- tony


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