Hi all,

The major rationale of the BGP Encap SAFI is as follows:

  "Since the encapsulation information is coded as an attribute, one
   could ask whether a new SAFI is really required.  After all, a BGP
   speaker could simply attach the tunnel encapsulation attribute to
   each prefix (like Q in our example) that it advertises.  But with
   that technique, any change in the encapsulation information would
   cause a very large number of updates.  Unless one really wants to
   specify different encapsulation information for each prefix, it is
   much better to have a mechanism in which a change in the
   encapsulation information causes a BGP speaker to advertise only a
   single update.  Conversely, when prefixes get modified, the tunnel
   encapsulation information need not be exchanged."---RFC5512

Now it seems that the above rationale has been shaked by this draft. 
Futhermore, since it allows to attach BGP Encap attributes to routes now, the 
BGP encapsulation extended community can now be safely replaced by BGP Encap 
attribute. Therefore, I wonder whether RFC5512 would be obsoleted by this draft 
in the end.

Since BGP encapsulation attributes are now attached to routes, the AFI/SAFI of 
the NLRI is already capable of indicating the payload type of the advertised 
tunnel protocol. For example, if a BGP encapsulation attribute indicating the 
UDP tunnel is attached to a labeled route, it would be obvious that MPLS-in-UDP 
is supported by the originator of that route. If that particular attribute is 
attached to a unlabeled route, it obviously indicates that IP-in-UDP is 
supported. As such, it seems unnecessary to allocate two additional type codes 
for MPLS-in-UDP and IP-in-UDP.

Best regards,

发件人: BESS [bess-boun...@ietf.org] 代表 thomas.mo...@orange.com 
发送时间: 2015年7月23日 22:45
收件人: i...@ietf.org; BESS
抄送: draft-ietf-bess-evpn-over...@tools.ietf.org; 
主题: Re: [bess] [Idr] 2 week adoption call for 
draft-rosen-idr-tunnel-enaps-00.txt (7/6 to 7/20/2015)


I think this draft will be a very useful tool to address different
topics, in particular topics related to we integrate encapsulations over
an IP transit with BGP VPNs, and I support its adoption by IDR.

That said, I have the following comments that need to be addressed:

* to allow multicast support in the context of RFC6514/6513, RFC7117,
and RFC7432 with a consistent way of advertising the encapsulations, I
think that  draft-rosen-idr-tunnel-encaps-00 section 2.4 should also
consider as a "labelled address family" an AFI/SAFI that may be
associated to a PMSI Tunnel attribute, in which case the "embedded
label" is the Label in the PMSI Tunnel Attribute

* consistently with the above,  1/5 and 25/8 should also be added as
authorized families in section 3

* draft-ietf-bess-evpn-overlay currently relies on the Tunnel Encap
Extended Community to advertise the use of MPLS-over-GRE or VXLAN or
NVGRE, and section 5.1.3 of that draft specifies that the VNI to use is
the value in the Label field of the route -- this is I believe /nearly/
inline with draft-rosen-idr-tunnel-encaps, but the devil is in the
details:   if I read correctly draft-rosen-idr-tunnel-encaps-01 Section
7.2, the behavior consisting in using the embedded label as the VNI
requires advertising a BGP Tunnel Encap  Attribute with an Embedded
Label Handling Sub-TLV with value 2, or not advertising a BGP Tunnel
Encap at all (nor using the Tunnel Encapsulation ExtendedCommunity which
is made semantically equivalent by section 6) ---  it thus seems to me
that one of the two drafts needs something to allow proper compatibility

With a lesser priority, I have a few other comments as well:

* I think the intent of the MPLS codepoint 10 for tunnel type, as
defined in draft-ietf-bess-evpn-overlay, intends to indicate the ability
to receive plain MPLS in a context where other encaps are advertised (if
you advertise only one non-MPLS encap, it means you support this encap
but not MPLS) -- this I think would be nice to capture in

* about the Remote Endpoint sub-TLV: why allow that an AF of 0 means
"use next-hop address", but still require the presence of the TLV ?  it
seems that its absence could conveniently be interpreted as "use
next-hop address", like what's done for the Tunnel Encap EC in section 6

* section 6 should say that, associated to a labelled address family,
the Tunnel Encap EC of value GRE (2) means the same as MPLS-in-GRE
(value 11) (like section 2.2.5 does for the attribute)

And my second head, the one trying to fill my BESS co-chair hat, can't
help adding that addressing some of the above will require keeping the
BESS working group involved all along the life of this draft.



Susan Hares:
> Based on the BESS chairs request this adoption call will be extended 2 weeks
> to 7/31 for BESS WG membesr to comment.
> Sue Hares
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