Hi everyone,

This WG Last Call is now closed and the document will move to the next steps toward publication.

The modification mentioned below will be incorporated in next release.



2016-03-15, Ali Sajassi (sajassi):


On 2/1/16, 2:41 PM, "Jeffrey (Zhaohui) Zhang" <zzh...@juniper.net> wrote:


One more question about PBB-EVPN.

For the regular EVPN, section 3.3.2 talks about a situation where the
only traffic is BUM. There is no need for mac learning in that situation.

For PBB-EVPN, I assume this is also possible. With this, there is no need
to advertise per-ES B-mac addresses - a single pair of global root/leaf
B-mac addresses are enough.

Perhaps this can be mentioned for parity/completeness. Of course, this is
not a big deal and either way it's fine - but I do want to ask to confirm
my understanding.

We’ll do.



-----Original Message-----
From: Ali Sajassi (sajassi) [mailto:saja...@cisco.com]
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 2:04 AM
To: Jeffrey (Zhaohui) Zhang <zzh...@juniper.net>; EXT -
thomas.mo...@orange.com <thomas.mo...@orange.com>; BESS <bess@ietf.org>;
Subject: Re: [bess] WG Last Call on draft-ietf-bess-evpn-etree

Hi Jeffrey,

Thanks for the review. Your comments helps tighten the draft some more.
have updated the draft and will publish it next (rev04). Majority of the
comments were editorial in nature for better clarifications. Since the
existing draft (rev03) reflects the consensus regarding our several
of discussions where we have taken care of the technical items, it is
consistent with our expectation of not seeing any major issue during the
LC. Please refer to my replies in line.


On 1/27/16, 5:26 PM, "BESS on behalf of Jeffrey (Zhaohui) Zhang"
<bess-boun...@ietf.org on behalf of zzh...@juniper.net> wrote:

I was involved in relevant discussions, and have reviewed once more for
this LC.

I support the publication, but with the following questions/comments.

2.1 Scenario 1: Leaf OR Root site(s) per PE

   ... If the number of EVIs is very large
   (e.g., more than 32K or 64K), then RT type 0 as defined in [RFC4360]
   SHOULD be used; otherwise, RT type 2 is sufficient.

RFC 7153 should be referenced for "Type 2".


Additionally, why is 32K mentioned? I can understand the 64k part.

Removed 32K since the example is clear enough with 64K

   ... the MPLS-encapsulated frames MUST be tagged with an
   indication of whether they originated from a Leaf AC or not.

Perhaps change the last line to "indication if they originated from a
Leaf AC"? Packets from a root AC are not tagged with a leaf indication.

OK. Better yet. It should say ³indication when they originated from a

   Other mechanisms for identifying whether an egress AC is a root or
   leaf is beyond the scope of this document.

Should "egress" be "ingress" in the above paragraph? Or simply removed?

Nice catch! It is ³ingress². It is now corrected.

   ... This Leaf MPLS label is advertised to other PE devices,
   using a new EVPN Extended Community called E-TREE Extended Community
   (section 5.1) along with an Ethernet A-D per ES route with ESI of
   zero and a set of Route Targets (RTs) corresponding to all the leaf
   ACs on the PE.

Perhaps change the last sentence to "... corresponding to all EVIs that
have leaf sites on the PE."

The second to last sentence of section 3.2.1 says the same thing. I
changed this sentence and removed the 2nd to last sentence.

3.2.3 BUM traffic originated from a multi-homed site on a leaf AC

   In this scenario, it is assumed that a multi-homed Ethernet Segment
   (ES) can have a mixed of both leaf and root ACs with each AC
   designating a subnet (e.g., a VLAN).

I understand that different VLANs on the same ES could be roots or
leaves. I suppose it's more important to say that for the same vlan,
different PEs on the same ES must have the same root/leaf designation.

That¹s given.

Perhaps the first sentence could be reworded as the following to
the above point:

   While different ACs (VLANs) on the same ES could have different
   root/leaf designation (some being roots and some being leaves),
   the same VLAN does have the same root/leaf designation on all
   PEs on the same ES.

That¹s fine. It makes it more clear.

For the following:

   ... the PEs with Leaf sites perform MAC learning in the
   data-path over their Ethernet Segments, and advertise reachability
   EVPN MAC Advertisement routes which are imported only by PEs with at
   least one Root site in the EVI. A PE with only Leaf sites will not
   import these routes. PEs with Root and/or Leaf sites may use the
   Ethernet A-D routes for aliasing (in the case of multi-homed
   segments) and for mass MAC withdrawal per [RFC 7432].

The above seems to contradict with the recommendation in Section 2.2.
the context is the scenario described in section 2.1 then that's fine,
but the text does not have a clear context.

Agreed. Updated the section to indicate the context is section 2.1.

3.3.2 E-Tree without MAC Learning

   The PEs implementing an E-Tree service need not perform MAC learning
   when the traffic flows between Root and Leaf sites are multicast or

I suppose an "only" word should be added at the end of the above


   The fields of the IMET route are populated per the procedures
   in [RFC7432], and the route import rules are as described in

The route import rules described in previous sections are for MAC
not IMET routes. Additionally, those rules may not be recommended, so
might as well delete the last sentence.

Changed the last sentence to ³Š, and the multicast tunnel setup criteria
are as described in the previous section.²

Section 3.3.1 talks about BUM procedures. That is not specific to 3.3.1
though. Perhaps extract that out to a separate section, and remove the
BUM text from 3.3.2 as well.

I think it is OK.

   The E-TREE Extended Community is encoded as an 8-octet value as

        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1

       | Type=0x06     | Sub-Type=0x04 | Flags(1 Octet)|

       |  Reserved=0   |           Leaf Label


I assume the octect after the flags octet is also reserved=0. Better
it as "Reserved=0".


When it is used with Ethernet A-D per ES route, the leaf flag SHOULD be
set to 0 but ignored by the receiving routers. Therefore, why not set
to 1 to be consistent the MAC/IP route case?

Because the flag is used for known unicast traffic and Leaf label for
traffic. We don¹t want to mix the two.



-----Original Message-----
From: BESS [mailto:bess-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Thomas Morin
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 3:51 AM
To: BESS <bess@ietf.org>; draft-ietf-bess-evpn-et...@tools.ietf.org
Subject: [bess] WG Last Call on draft-ietf-bess-evpn-etree

Hello Working Group,

This email starts a Working Group Last Call on
draft-ietf-bess-evpn-etree [1] which is considered mature and ready
a final working group review.

Please read the document if you haven't read the most recent version
(-03), and send your comments to the list, no later than *February
2nd* (2016-02-02).

This is not only a call for comments on the document, but also a call
support for its publication.

*Coincidentally*, we are also polling for knowledge of any IPR that
applies to draft-ietf-bess-evpn-etree, to ensure that IPR has been
disclosed in compliance with IETF IPR rules (see RFCs 3979, 4879,
and 5378 for more details).

*If* you are listed as a document author or contributor of
draft-ietf-bess-evpn-etree please respond to this email and indicate
whether or not you are aware of any relevant IPR.

Thank you,


[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-bess-evpn-etree

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