Ali Sajassi (sajassi), 2017-12-08 03:01:
> M8.2. These should also be Normative: RFC7348, NVGRE, VXLAN-
> > GPE, RFC4023
> >  
> > [Ali] Please refer to Thomas explanation on this which is copied
> > here for your convenience:
> > “My process fu is weakening, but if this specification is standard
> > track
> > (and I believe it should be), I believe it can't normatively depend
> > on
> > Informative specs and some of the above are in this category.”
> My reply:
> It can if we call the Down References out in the IETF Last Call and
> no one opposes.  I think we already processed at least one document
> with a DownRef toVXLAN, so I don’t think that’s a problem.
> In any case, the type of Reference should be decided based on the
> real dependency of the document, not on its status.
> [Ali2] Done. 

I've just updated the shepherd review to list the downward references.



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