Hi Eric,

I'm fine with the version 8.
Thanks a lot for the changes.

Speaking as WG chair,

Due to the substantial changes in the document, I will initiate a new short 
WGLC for this document soon.


-----Original Message-----
From: Eric C Rosen [mailto:ero...@juniper.net] 
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 21:40
To: LITKOWSKI Stephane OBS/OINIS; bess@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [bess] I-D Action: draft-ietf-bess-mvpn-expl-track-07.txt

On 2/22/2018 3:10 AM, stephane.litkow...@orange.com wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Thanks a lot for the update.

And thank you for your continued attention to the details.  I have posted -08.  
Responses in-line.

> Couple of more comments:
> Section 2:
> I still have some concern about these two sentences:
> 1)"This flag SHOULD NOT be set
>     unless it is known that all the PEs that are to receive the route
>     carrying the PTA support the flag."
> 2)"By setting LIR as well as
>     LIR-pF, one forces a response to be sent by an egress node that 
> does
>     not support LIR-pF."
> [SLI] As per 1), the situation described in 2) should not happen
> Do we agree that this should not happen ?
> I think we can make the text more clear about the implications of setting the 
> LIR-pf in a partial deployment scenario.
> We can add a text like after 1):
> "Setting the LIR-pF in a network where only a subset of PEs supports it 
> prevents the ingress PE to have a complete view of the receiving PEs."
> We may also modify 2) as follows:
> By setting LIR as well as
>     LIR-pF, one forces a response to be sent by an egress node that 
> does
>     not support LIR-pF.  It is possible to tell from that response 
> that
>     the egress node does not support LIR-pF.  This may be an aid to
>     troubleshooting.
> By setting LIR as well as
>     LIR-pF, one forces a response to be sent by an egress node that 
> does
>     not support LIR-pF.  It is possible to tell from that response 
> that
>     the egress node does not support LIR-pF.  As the support of LIR-pF is 
> recommended on all PEs, this situation should not happen.
>    However, in case of deployment error, this may be an aid to 
> troubleshooting.

[Eric] In revision -08, I have reworked this text to indicate what will happen 
in the case of deployment errors, and how such errors can be detected.  
However, I wouldn't necessarily guarantee that there are no corner cases in 
which a deployment error might go undetected.

> Section 5.2:
> "The encoding of these Leaf A-D routes is similar to the encoding of
>     the Leaf A-D routes described in section 6.2.2 of [RFC7524], which
>     were designed for the support of "global table multicast".  
> However,
>     that document sets the RD to either 0 or -1; following the 
> procedures
>     of this document, the RD will never be 0 or -1.  Therefore Leaf 
> A-D
>     routes constructed according to the procedures of this section can
>     always be distinguished from the Leaf A-D routes constructed
>     according to the procedures of section 6.2.2 of [RFC7524].  Also,
>     Leaf A-D routes constructed according to the procedures of this
>     section are VPN-specific routes, and will always carry an 
> IP-address-
>     specific Route Target, as specified in [RFC6514]."
> [SLI] I'm wondering if this text is still required as we do not modify the RD 
> compared to RFC6514.

[Eric] There are two situations in which an ingress node might receive a Leaf 
A-D route whose route key field is not identical to the NLRI of a current 
x-PMSI A-D route originated by the ingress node.  One situation is specified in 
RFC 7524.  The other is specified in the explicit tracking draft.  I think it 
is useful to point out that the ingress node can distinguish between these two 
cases when it receives such a Leaf A-D route.


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