Hi Stephane,

I finally carved some time...

* NEXTHOP encoding:
>>> How is the nexthop encoded in the NLRI ?
>> A bit confused about this question.
> [SLI] I'm talking about the nexthop field of the MP_REACH_NLRI attribute, 
> you must set a nexthop field even if it is not used for forwarding and you
> need to set how it is encoded.
> Ah, that!
> Yes, it's just a loopback address of the advertising SFF.
> Added a paragraph for that.
>[SLI2] Thanks for the new text, I'm just wondering if it is enough detailed or 
> especially as IPv4 or IPv6 NH could be involved.
> Looking at mvpn RFCs, they are using similar wording, so I suppose we could 
> let it this way.

OK, I'm leaving this without further changes.

>>> I don’t see the “error handling” behavior associated with this attribute
>>> (discard, treat-as-withdraw…)
>> I think the errors are covered by section 6 of RFC 4271, but we need to
>> point to it.
> [SLI] You have added " Malformed SFP attributes, or those that in error in
> some way, MUST be handled as described in Section 6 of [RFC4271]"
> This is not enough ad RFC7606 allows for a more "graceful" process of 
> errors and it's up to each new attribute to have its own behavior in term
> of error processing. RFC7606 has some guidelines.
> This one will take a little more time to work up some text.
> We'll get back to you.
> [SLI2] This is an important thing to address, and the IESG or Routing 
> Directorate
> may catch that as well.

OK, a chunk more text. Does this work for you?

   Section 6 of [RFC4271] describes the handling of malformed BGP
   attributes, or those that are in error in some way.  [RFC7606]
   revises BGP error handling specifically for the for UPDATE message,
   provides guidelines for the authors of documents defining new
   attributes, and revises the error handling procedures for a number of
   existing attributes.  This document introduces the SFP attribute and
   so defines error handling as follows:

   o  When parsing a message, an unknown Attribute Type code or a length
      that suggests that the attribute is longer than the remaining
      message is treated as a malformed message and the "treat-as-
      withdraw" approach used as per [RFC7606].

   o  When parsing a message that contains an SFP attribute, the
      following cases constitute errors:

      1.  Optional bit is set to 0 in SFP attribute.

      2.  Transitive bit is set to 0 in SFP attribute.

      3.  Unknown TLV type field found in SFP attribute.

      4.  TLV length that suggests the TLV extends beyond the end of the
          SFP attribute.

      5.  Association TLV contains an unknown SFPR-RD.

      6.  No Hop TLV found in the SFP attribute.

      7.  No SFT TLV found in a Hop TLV.

      8.  Unknown SFIR-RD found in a Hop TLV.

   o  The errors listed above are treated as follows:

      1., 2., 6., 7.:  The attribute MUST be treated as malformed and
         the "treat-as-withdraw" approach used as per [RFC7606].

      3.:  Unknown TLVs SHOULD be ignored, and message processing SHOULD

      4.:  Treated as a malformed message and the "treat-as-withdraw"
         approach used as per [RFC7606]

      5., 8.:  The absence of an RD with which to corollate is nothing
         more than a soft error.  The receiver SHOULD store the
         information from the SFP attribute until a corresponding
         advertisement is received.  An implementation MAY time-out such
         stored SFP attributes to avoid becoming over-loaded.

* FLOWSPEC traffic steering:
>>> Section 5:
>>> "Note that each FlowSpec update MUST be tagged with the route target
>>>  of the overlay or VPN network for which it is intended."
>> [SLI] You should be more clear that VPN-IPv4 and VPN-IPv6 Flowspec
>> families must be used, it's not just a matter of RTs.
> A couple of the authors have discussed this a bit and we are puzzled.
> RFC 5575 section 8 discusses the applicability of Flowspecs to VPNs.
> https://www.iana.org/assignments/flow-spec/flow-spec.xhtml#flow-spec-2 
> does not list any VPN Flowspecs.
> draft-ietf-pce-pcep-flowspec makes observations about VPN identification
> and applicability to Flowspecs.
> draft-ietf-idr-flowspec-l2vpn has a redefinition of SAFI 134 to apply to 
> Flowspecs to an L2VPN environment.
> [SLI2] I see various cases:
> - traffic is coming from an IPVPNv4 and should be steered on an SFC, in such
>   a case RFC5575 Section 8 (AFI/SAFI 1/134) must be used, an RT is attached.
> - traffic is coming from the global routing table and should be steered on an
>   SFC, in such a case  the base RFC5575 using AFI/SAFI 1/133 must be used
>   and there is no RT attached. The trick here is that you need to set in the
>   action: - the SFC you want the traffic to be steered on as well as the VPN
>   to look the SFC for (Like a redirect RT + SFC steering). If there is no VPN
>   redirection, the SFC is considered to be available in the global routing 
> table.
> - traffic is coming from an L2VPN, this is similar to the L3VPN case.
> - same considerations applies to IPv6 and VPNv6.

OK, I think we need to separate two things.
Section 5 is concerned with how to select among possible next hops on an SFP. 
That is, the packet is already classified and assigned to an SFP, but some 
load-balancing choices have to be made. So I don't think Section 5 is the place 
for this discussion.
However, Section 7.4 is about classifying traffic onto SFPs. Specifically, it 
is about how to indicate, using BGP, which traffic flows should be assigned to 
which SPF at the Classifier component of the SFC system. This section seems to 
be relevant to the question you are asking.

But this second section seems to have it all covered by modelling exactly the 
flowspec function used in BGP flow specification and adding an extended 
community for SFC.

So, I think nothing else is needed for this issue.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Farrel [mailto:adr...@olddog.co.uk] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2019 16:06
To: LITKOWSKI Stephane OBS/OINIS; draft-ietf-bess-nsh-bgp-control-pl...@ietf.org
Cc: bess@ietf.org
Subject: RE: Shepherd's review of draft-ietf-bess-nsh-bgp-control-plane-06

Thanks again Stephane,

I think we have closure on most (but not all) of your points. I'll post another 
revision now because it makes the incremental changes easier to process. But we 
can have another go round if any of the unresolved issues merit it.

One thing to push back on from before was the use of "portal" or "gateway". We 
were using "portal" and you asked us to change to "gateway". I initially 
thought that would be OK, but on reflection we think that "gateway" has 
specific connotations in networking where it means an interworking function 
between two different protocols and this is most definitely not what is 
intended. So, because "portal" is a synonym, we prefer to go back to using that.

   Thus the SFF can be seen as a portal in the underlay network through
   which a particular SFI is reached.


> New comment:
> " When the SFF receives the packet and the NSH back from the SFI it
>   MUST select the next SFI"
> [SLI] Even if I agree that this is the intended behavior, it is not the
> purpose of this document to set the dataplane behavior of NSH. I
> think keeping the "MUST" as lower case is fine.

Ah yes.
I got carried away.

>>> The Figure 1 is not really used in this section as part of the existing
>>> text. I would be better to have a companion text that explains the
>>> figure.
>> Wow! Yes. That's embarrassing.
> [SLI] The provided text is good. Just few comments:
> - the figure wraps on two pages, I missed the SFa in the figure as it is
>   located on the other page. It would be great if you could make it fit
>   on one page.

Hmmm, yes.
I will make the figure small enough to fit on one page, but I won't handle 
pagination at this stage: the RFC Editor will resolve that in the final 

> - don't you need tunnels between SFF2 and SFF3 and between SFF1 
>   and SFF4 (full mesh). I agree that tunnel may be established on demand
>   if an SFC is using two SFFs, but here we don't have this information.

You *could* certainly have a those tunnels. But in practice there is unlikely 
to be a full mesh. This is a bit like a content distribution problem: a 
multi-layer network engineering solution is needed to place the SFs and decide 
which SFFs need to be connected with tunnels. Furthermore, if an SFC will never 
need to take SFs in a particular order, then tunnels wouldn't be needed.

> As the figure is already complex, adding tunnels may overload it. Maybe
> we could add a text telling that to simplify the figure only some tunnels
> between SFFs are represented.

Right, no need to complicate the figure.
I'll add...
      <t>Note that, for convenience and clarity, <xref target="SFCarch" /> 
shows only a few tunnels between
         SFFs.  There could be a full mesh of such tunnels, or more likely, a 
selection of tunnels connecting
         key SFFs to enable the construction of SFPs and to balance load and 
traffic in the network.</t>

> - the example of SFC looks strange to me as SFd may be used twice
>   in the chain why not using " SFa, an SF of type SFTx, and SFe" ?

Bad text, well caught.
Text should read...

      Suppose an SFC needs to include SFa,
      an SF of type SFTx, and SFc.

> - There is a sentence telling that the figure illustrates loadbalancing,
>   however I think that the sentence " A number of SFPs can be
>   constructed using any instance of SFb or using SFd." is not enough
>   to describe the loadbalancing. Who is doing the loadbalancing ?

OK. Now reads...

      <t>This figure demonstrates how load balancing can be achieved by 
creating several SFPs that satisfy
         the same SFC.  Suppose an SFC needs to include SFa, an SF of type 
SFTx, and SFc.  A number of SFPs
         can be constructed using any instance of SFb or using SFd.  Load 
balancing may be applied at two
         <list style="symbols">
           <t>The Classifier may distribute different flows onto different SFPs 
to share the load in the
              network and across SFIs.</t>
           <t>SFF-2 may distribute different flows (on the same SFP) to 
different instances of SFb to share
              the processing load.</t>

>>> “The Service Function Type identifies a service function”. I don’t
>>> think we can really say that, it identifies the type of service the SF
>>> is providing but not the SF itself.
>> Yes
> [SLI] The new text sounds strange.  Even if it is correct, it sounds as a 
> repetition:
> " The Service Function Type identifies a service function type".
> Could we use something like : "The Service Function Type identifies the
> functions/features of service function can offer".


>>> How is the nexthop encoded in the NLRI ?
>> A bit confused about this question.
> [SLI] I'm talking about the nexthop field of the MP_REACH_NLRI attribute, 
> you must set a nexthop field even if it is not used for forwarding and you
> need to set how it is encoded.

Ah, that!
Yes, it's just a loopback address of the advertising SFF.
Added a paragraph for that.

>>> I don’t see the “error handling” behavior associated with this attribute
>>> (discard, treat-as-withdraw…)
>> I think the errors are covered by section 6 of RFC 4271, but we need to
>> point to it.
> [SLI] You have added " Malformed SFP attributes, or those that in error in
> some way, MUST be handled as described in Section 6 of [RFC4271]"
> This is not enough ad RFC7606 allows for a more "graceful" process of 
> errors and it's up to each new attribute to have its own behavior in term
> of error processing. RFC7606 has some guidelines.

This one will take a little more time to work up some text.
We'll get back to you.

>>> Section 4.1
> [SLI] I have read it again, I think the last sentence was causing me
> some trouble:
> "An SFF
>   that has a presence in multiple service function overlay networks
>   (i.e., imports more than one RT) may find it helpful to maintain
>   separate forwarding state for each overlay network.".
> The isolation of the controlplane and forwarding information between
> tenants is a mandatory thing for security reason. The "may find it
> helpful" makes this something nice to have making the multitenancy
> case not widely deployed.

OK, I see the problem.
Of course, each SFP is separate routing state (like a signalled TE-LSP), so it 
is not technically necessary to keep separate routing state for each overlay 
network. The tenants would have no visibility into the state at SFFs.
And from a black box point of view, no one can tell the difference, so we don't 
need to instruct implementations.
But we can agree that it would be highly likely to maintain separate forwarding 
state for each overlay network.
So I will strengthen this to s/may find it helpful/will usually/

> Section 5:
> "Note that each FlowSpec update MUST be tagged with the route target
>  of the overlay or VPN network for which it is intended."
> [SLI] You should be more clear that VPN-IPv4 and VPN-IPv6 Flowspec
> families must be used, it's not just a matter of RTs.

A couple of the authors have discussed this a bit and we are puzzled.

RFC 5575 section 8 discusses the applicability of Flowspecs to VPNs.
https://www.iana.org/assignments/flow-spec/flow-spec.xhtml#flow-spec-2 does not 
list any VPN Flowspecs.
draft-ietf-pce-pcep-flowspec makes observations about VPN identification and 
applicability to Flowspecs.
draft-ietf-idr-flowspec-l2vpn has a redefinition of SAFI 134 to apply to 
Flowspecs to an L2VPN environment.

I suspect that you are referring to the last of these four references.

Maybe you could suggest some text that would cover your concern.

>>> Section 7.1
>>> While I understand that the node doing the classification can perform a deep
>>> packet inspection to get an entropy indicator, any intermediate node cannot
>>> set it again as the NSH header will be there.
>> *If* you want entropy for the underlay network, you have to get
>> it from somewhere. And an entropy label is going to be a lot more
>> practical that hoping that each hope in the underlay can do some
>> form of hash.
>> I don't propose any changes to the document for this point, but 
>> do feel free to negotiate.
> [SLI] I don't think that the current text actually solves the loadbalancing
> issue in the underlay. However I'm also wondering if it's the job of this
> draft (which defines a controlplane) to define where to set the entropy
> indicator and what are the requirements in term of hashing. It's more a
> dataplane issue, out of scope of this draft. I don't know if there is already
> other document in SFC or other WGs dealing with entropy issues when
> NSH is there.
> So I see two options:
> - you address fully the problem in your draft
> - or you make it out of scope, so some text should be 
>   removed. You can still say that there is a problem to solve.

I like your second option 😊

And the problem is made more complex when you consider that there may be 
different underlays between successive SFFs meaning that entropy has to be 
mapped between tunnel types.

Actually, this is a good change. This is a control plane document, not a full 
system specification. We have deleted the whole entropy section, and 
strengthened the text in 2.2 to note that "something must be done".

> I don’t like the representation of RD using “,1” as the “,” can
> be confusing with a regular separator. Why not using :””
> notation which is well known ?
> [SLI] I don't see the change in v08

Made the change in the XML and didn't regenerate the TXT.
Yes, "idiot" is an appropriate word.

>>> Section 8.9.1:
>>> How does an SFF know that an attached SFI is stateful ? I don’t
>>> think it can know that.
>> Well, how does the SFF know which SFIs are attached and what
>> their types are?
>> The registration of SFIs to their SFFs is out of scope of this document 
>> (I think it was raised as a separate function in 
>> draft-ietf-sfc-control-plane).
> [SLI] Fine, could you tell that it is out of scope ?


>>> I don’t think that the fact that SFF2 is used in both direction is safe
>>> from a load balancing perspective.
>>> If the hashing algorithm used by SFF2 is sensible to the order of the
>>> keys (like source vs dest address, or source vs dest port), it may 
>>> provide a different SFI as a result of the hashing between the
>>> forward and the reverse flow.
>> It's unclear what hashing might be used, but it seems to me that the
>> primary choice will be based on the SPI.
>> Of course, if the hash goes further (i.e.., payload) and the SFF is aware 
>> of forward/reverse traffic it is capable of hashing the right fields.
>> But does this smells of an implementation detail?
> [SLI] Of course that will be implementation dependent, but the fact that
>  it is implementation dependent makes the behavior unpredictable and
> does not ensure that you will get symmetry.

OK. I went to add some text, looked for the right place and found section 7.3 
where we have...

   For bidirectional SFPs where the same instance of a stateful SF must
   be traversed in both directions, it is not enough to leave the choice
   of service function instance as a local choice even if the load
   balancing is stable because coordination would be required between
   the decision points in the forward and reverse directions and this
   may be hard to achieve in all cases except where it is the same SFF
   that makes the choice in both directions.

   Note that this approach necessarily increases the amount of SFP state
   in the network (i.e., there are more SFPs).  It is possible to
   mitigate this effect by careful construction of SFPs built from a
   concatenation of other SFPs.

I think that covers it.
I'll put in a back pointer from 8.9.1 to 7.3.
Will also add a note to 8.9.1 to the effect that the problem can be resolved by 
a combination of detailed (choice-free) SFPs, and suitable programming of 

>>> Section 9:
>>> Do we have to set limits on receiving nodes in term of number of
>>> states received from the controller to mitigate some attack ?
>> I'm not sure, but probably not. But anyway, that would be out of scope.
> [SLI] I'm challenging, as the SecDir may challenge you on that point 
> or a similar one.

So the attack would rely on the controller being subverted, or the 
communications between controller and SFF being spoofed.

In the former case we have a complete disaster (similar to a route reflector 
being subverted), and the things that go wrong will be far worse than an 
overload attack on an SFF. And, not only is this problem out of scope, but it 
is not defendable in open systems. I think we rely on regulated software 

The communications between controller and SFF do not form part of this 
specification. So, I will add a paragraph to highlight the risk.

>>> The text talks about security of BGP, what kind of mechanism
>>> should be put in place ?
>> This has similar security behaviour to a L3VPN, so I guess the same rules 
>> apply.
> [SLI] That would be good to tell this in the sec considerations. As you use
> similar distribution mechanism as RFC4364, the same sec considerations 
> applies.


>>> Do we have any interdomain considerations ?
>> 8300 says that the intended scope is for use within a single provider's 
>> operational
>> domain.
> [SLI] That would be good to remind it as well.

OK. Added.

>>> References:
>>> I think that the mpls-sfc and mpls-sfc-encaps should also be
>>> normative as you are defining a controlplane to use them.
>>I don't mind doing that.
> [SLI] These two are more debatable. Let's keep them as info, and 
> we will see if IESG raises any concern.

Well, actually, since those two docs are on the Standards Track and are well 
ahead in the pipe, let's make them Normative.


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