Hi Jorge,

I will support this draft if it is modified to specify the routes for SD-WAN 
application specifically as opposed to have an opaque route. My concerns are 
the following:

  1.  The main idea of standardization is interoperability among vendors and 
this draft doesn’t give us that.
  2.  Also I don’t think having such a draft can facilitate prototyping. This 
draft has been around for several years and your prototyping should have been 
independent of this draft since I am not aware of any other major vendor 
implemented or deployed this draft.
  3.  Even if this draft becomes an RFC, there is no guarantee that in a given 
network the RR will be compliant with it as we have experienced such things 
first hand in the field
  4.  Making dependency of an IETF draft on IEEE process is not a good thing – 
i.e., an new vendor that wants to implement it now needs to apply for an IEEE 
OUI.  OUI gets allocated to the vendor with Ethernet PHY for MAC addresses and 
not as route distinguisher. I am not sure how IEEE will look at this. Have you 
discussed your application with them (e.g., OUI for non-related Ethernet 
  5.  RR can be used as store and forward mechanism for data that didn’t use 
BGP before. I have already seen that some people want to use BGP for passing 
configuration, stats, diagnostics info, etc. With now defining an opaque route, 
there will be no check on the contents of the route and anyone can put anything 
they want even if it is not best suited to do them in BGP.

So, frankly, I don’t see any positives here but just negatives. Can you replace 
the opaque route with the actual routes. At the end of the day, we have to do 
it for multi-vendor interop anyway. So, the sooner, the better. If 
single-vendor deployment is sufficient which is typically the case for 
Enterprises, then there is no need to standardize such draft.


From: BESS <bess-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of Stephane Litkowski 
Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at 2:16 AM
To: "bess@ietf.org" <bess@ietf.org>
Subject: [bess] WG adoption call and IPR poll for 


This email begins a two-weeks WG adoption poll for 
draft-rabadan-bess-vendor-evpn-route-07 [1]
Please review the draft and post any comments to the BESS working group list.

We are also polling for knowledge of any undisclosed IPR that applies to this 
Document, to ensure that IPR has been disclosed in compliance with IETF IPR 
rules (see RFCs 3979, 4879, 3669 and 5378 for more details).

If you are listed as an author or a contributor of this document, please 
respond to this email and indicate whether or not you are aware of any relevant 
undisclosed IPR, copying the BESS mailing list. The document won't progress 
without answers from all the authors and contributors.
Currently, there are no IPR disclosures against this document.

If you are not listed as an author or a contributor, then please explicitly 
respond only if you are aware of any IPR that has not yet been disclosed in 
conformance with IETF rules.

This poll for adoption closes on 2nd September 2019.

Stephane and Matthew

[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-rabadan-bess-vendor-evpn-route/
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