> Support



> *From: *slitkows.i...@gmail.com <slitkows.i...@gmail.com>
> *Date: *Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 10:31 AM
> *To: *bess@ietf.org <bess@ietf.org>,
> draft-skr-bess-evpn-redundant-mcast-sou...@ietf.org <
> draft-skr-bess-evpn-redundant-mcast-sou...@ietf.org>
> *Subject: *WG adoption for draft-skr-bess-evpn-redundant-mcast-source
> Hello,
> This email begins a two-weeks WG adoption poll for
> draft-skr-bess-evpn-redundant-mcast-source
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/tools.ietf.org/html/draft-skr-bess-evpn-redundant-mcast-source__;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!VomjPdsRYRFOat1_npZo87X8R7hG2FDrjLlxBgCLxt4_7aAQaRZDrswJT5LZugo7$>
> [1].
> Please review the draft and post any comments to the BESS working group
> list.
> We are also polling for knowledge of any undisclosed IPR that applies to
> this document, to ensure that IPR has been disclosed in compliance with
> IETF IPR rules (see RFCs 3979, 4879, 3669 and 5378 for more details).
> If you are listed as an author or a contributor of this document, please
> respond to this email and indicate whether or not you are aware of any
> relevant undisclosed IPR, copying the BESS mailing list. The document will
> not  progress without answers from all of the authors and contributors.
> Currently, there are no IPR disclosures against this document.
> If you are not listed as an author or a contributor, then please
> explicitly respond only if you are aware of any IPR that has not yet been
> disclosed in conformance with IETF rules.
> This poll for adoption closes on 15th December 2020.
> Regards,
> Matthew and Stephane
> [1]
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-skr-bess-evpn-redundant-mcast-source/
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-skr-bess-evpn-redundant-mcast-source/__;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!VomjPdsRYRFOat1_npZo87X8R7hG2FDrjLlxBgCLxt4_7aAQaRZDrswJTzvfdb7D$>
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> Juniper Business Use Only
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